Eungai Community Markets, NSW 2441
Est. 2009
Funky@Unkya Market Stallholders Information
The Eungai Community Markets are held on the LAST SUNDAY of every even month (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct) and the 1st SUNDAY of December, weather permitting
- The market is open from 8am to 1pm. Stallholders can set up from 6.00am on market day.
Stallholders can not set up at the market without a confirmed booking and site number.
Please book 2 weeks in advance by phone or email (see details below)
Public Liability Insurance is required for all stallholders.
Public Liability Insurance documentation can be supplied when booking a stall prior to market day. Stallholders applying for a casual site on market day will be asked to supply a copy of their current market insurance.
No shared sites
All goods sold must be locally produced or ‘quality’ recycled.

Market Enquiries
General enquiries about the market can be sent by email to
0425 205 737
Liability Insurance
Unkya Market does not provide Public Liability or Product Insurance - several companies do supply market insurance for 1 day, 1 month or 12 month periods.
Market Operating Hours
The market is open to visitors from 8am to 1pm.
Gate opening and setup time
All stallholders can set-up from 6.00am – all stalls must be set up by 7.45am (with cars removed from the market area).
No cars are to drive through the main thoroughfare between 7.45am – 1pm.
All stallholders are responsible for the removal of their belongings and any rubbish.
Vehicle Access
No cars are to permitted to drive through the main market thoroughfare between 8am – 1pm.
Type of Stalls and Goods
All goods sold must be locally produced or ‘quality’ recycled, hence our ‘make it, bake it, sew it, grow it’ philosophy.
A big thank you to all our stall holders for selling products that meet this philosophy.
Food Stalls
Market stallholders who sell food are bound by the requirements of the Food Act 2003 & The Food Standard Code. For more information you should read the NSW government Guidelines for food businesses at temporary events
All stallholders that sell food for consumption at the Market should ensure:
- Licences/or certificates as required by Local Council or relevant authorities are clearly displayed at all times.
- All heating appliances/fryers etc must be out of reach of the public.
- All electrical appliances and leads used must be regularly inspected by a qualified electrician for compliance with WH&S requirements and tagged accordingly.
- All gas bottles, appliances and lines to be regularly inspected by a qualified person for compliance with WH&S requirements and tagged accordingly.
- Cleaning/Hygiene facilities are to be provided.
Stallholder Fees
The current Stall fee is $20 AUD for a 3m x 3m unpowered site.
This fee is collected on market day, by a market committee member.
Food Stalls and Powered Sites
Food stalls that require electricity or more space are charged an additional fee on top of the normal site fee.
Please note - there are a very limited number of stalls that have electricity.
Please contact the Market Coordinator to discuss this (e: m: 0425205737)
No Shared Stallholder Sites
Each market stallholder needs to have the own site. The market policy does not allow shared sites. If you are a stallholder please be aware that this is strictly adhered to on all market days.
Permanent Stallholders
The market co-ordinator emails all permanent stallholders at least 7 to 10 days before each market to ascertain if the permanent stallholder will be attending or will be absent.
A response is required from all permanent stallholders, at least 4 days prior to the market.
Casual Stallholders
There are some casual sites available at each market. You must still have your own insurance and provide a copy of your insurance with your stall booking.
To book a casual stall, please contact the Market Coordinator (e: m: 0425205737).
The market coordinator will confirm your booking and site number if there is availability.

Wet Weather/Cancellation Policy
Unless threatened by extreme weather conditions the market will be on. The final decision in regard to market cancellation due to extreme weather will be made on morning of market no later than 6.00am.
Next Market date after Cancellation
If Market has to be cancelled on the original advertised Market Day, the next Market will then be held on the last Sunday of the next even month.
Please confirm with the Market Coordinator that you will require your allocated site at this next market.
Communication of Market Cancellation
If the eungai funkya@unkya market is cancelled,
- this website will updated to indicated the market has been cancelled
- a recorded message will be left on mobile phone no. 0425 205 737
- a post will be on our Facebook account
- local ABC radio will be contacted and asked to place a cancellation announcement